How to create a company in France from abroad ?
Is it possible to create a company in France when you are a foreigner? Yes, and here is how to proceed.
Whatever the legal status of your company of your company, its commercial domiciliation is mandatory..
Registration in the Register of Commerce and Companies (RCS) will not be issued if the company does not have a specific address of domicile.
Domiciliation brings you flexibility, and efficiency.
Sièges sociaux, établissements secondaires, bureaux commerciaux, auto-entrepreneurs, artisans, associations, votre domiciliation commerciale à Paris.
For head offices, sales offices, self-entrepreneurs, craftsmen, associations
Richelieu Domiciliation offers workspaces specially designed to meet your needs
Aware of the difficulties and challenges an entrepreneur has to face, we offer a multitude of services, designed and calibrated to make your life easier.
Very complete and efficient !
Is it possible to create a company in France when you are a foreigner? Yes, and here is how to proceed.
The Bitcoin madness that has gripped the world in recent months raises some essential questions, particularly for entrepreneurs: can you create a company whose capital is made up of Bitcoins? Read more…
591,000: the number of companies created in 2017. A number up by 7% compared to the previous year. And this is the highest level since 2010. This is what explains this article on the website Les Read more…